A paradigm shift in online education segment
There is definitely an opportunity with online learning, both financially and in terms of the impact possible.
In late 2019, the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic led to the temporary closure of schools and educational institutes across countries, affecting the learning journeys of millions of students.
(Representational Image: iStock)
The ability to adapt to a changing world is a resourceful skill. Good educators will agree that it is imperative for the field of pedagogy to evolve in order to adapt to students’ ever-changing needs and requirements.
In late 2019, the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic led to the temporary closure of schools and educational institutes across countries, affecting the learning journeys of millions of students. In the field of education, the pandemic inadvertently acted as a catalyst in reinventing the classroom. Overnight, the method of knowledge delivery shifted online and educational institutions began adopting various practices with increased usage of technology to teach students efficiently.
Many of these newer methodologies that employ technology as a means to help impart education help teachers cater to both the academic as well as overall development of kids. One such method is the unique two-teacher system — a format of teaching that combines online and offline learning experiences.
What is the two-teacher system?
The two-teacher system is an inclusive and blended learning model. Several studies show how recent developments in the two-teacher model enable teachers to successfully meet the needs of learners.
In this setup, a classroom benefits from the presence of two teachers. One teacher delivers the lesson online with the help of rich visuals and storytelling, while the second teacher plays an active role in guiding the classroom’s pace and helping students with doubt clarification and further explanation in real-time.
In a typical two-teacher setup, a primary teacher will explain visually engaging concepts while a secondary teacher gives individual attention and guidance to students and helps them with instant doubt resolution thus providing both teachers with an active instructional role.
Calling a classroom successful requires two main components — conceptual clarity from students and swift doubt resolution from teachers. With the two-teacher system in place, both of these requirements are focussed on by the two teachers individually ensuring better learning outcomes when they work together. The two-teacher system makes it easier for the teacher to monitor student progress, solve doubts, manage the class, and hold the class of students to the same educational standards.
The increased informative options for students promotes enhanced collaboration among the teachers and students. Additionally, with lessons presented and explained by two different lecturers with complimentary teaching styles, it provides time for students to absorb and reinforce the newly learned information.
Impact of the two-teacher system on students
In a lot of cases, online education simply meant taking the offline mode of teaching online. In reality, classrooms and teaching methods have to refine, improve, adapt and enhance their teaching techniques to effectively engage with students.
The two-teacher system empowers students with multiple ways of engaging with information. It introduces students to complementary teaching styles and personalities of the two teachers and allows for students to gain real-time help if they need it. Moreover, students are afforded the ability to ask more questions during lesson time as well as engage with the content on their own.
(By Vinay MR, Teacher and Chief Content Officer, BYJU’S)