NTA announces new exam dates for UGC NET, CSIR-UGC NET
The National Testing Agency (NTA) on Friday announced new dates for UGC-NET June 2024 exams, Joint CSIR UGC NET exams and NCET (National Common Entrance Test) 2024 Exams.
Usually, the UGC-NET exam is held twice a year, but this time, due to the Covid, the schedule of the exam was disturbed, following which the UGC has decided to combine the two test cycles and hold them together. The application deadline is May 20.
University Grants Commission (Image: ugc.ac.in)
The National Testing Agency (NTA) has started the registration process for the University Grants Commission (UGC) National Eligibility Test (NET) for the December 2021 and June 2022 merged cycles. Those interested can submit the application form online on the official website of UGC at ugcnet.nta.nic.in, nta.ac.in.
The application deadline is May 20.
However, NTA has not announced the exact date of the exams, and, likely, the dates will soon be released. The NTA Chairman earlier has Tweeted that the exam will likely be held in June 2022.
Usually, the UGC-NET exam is held twice a year, but this time, due to the Covid, the schedule of the exam was disturbed, following which the UGC has decided to combine the two test cycles and hold them together.
“The slots of JRF of both UGC-NET December 2021 and June 2022 cycles have been merged while the methodology for subject wise cum category-wise allocation of JRF remain unchanged,” NTA said in an official statement.
Last year, after the UGC announced that the NET will be combined, a large section of candidates had claimed that had there been two separate sessions, then as per rules, six per cent of candidates would have qualified for each of the exams, hence, since students lost one chance due to pandemic and a combined exam was held, the qualifying percentage should be increased to 12 per cent.