The Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) on Friday announced the PSEB 10th Result 2023. Students who appeared for the Punjab Board Class 10 board examination can access their results on the official website of PSEB at
Here is how you can check scorecards
Step 1: Visit the official website–
Step 2: Click on the result link given on the website
Step 3: Enter your credentials such as roll number and date of birth
Step 4: View and download the result
During a press conference held by the Board, important details such as the pass percentage and the names of the toppers will be revealed. This year, the overall pass percentage stands at 97.54%. Girls have outperformed by scoring 98.46 percent, while boys have scored 96.73 per cent.
Gagandeep Kaur of Sant Mohan Das Memorial Sr Secondary School, Faridkot emerges as the state topper in Class 10 with a perfect score of 650 out of 650 marks, achieving 100% marks. Navjot Kaur secures the second position with an impressive score of 648 out of 650 marks (99.69%), while Harmandeep Kaur secures the third position with 646 marks out of 650 (99.38%).
Government schools achieved a pass percentage of 97.54%, while private schools recorded a pass percentage of 97%. Rural areas exhibited a higher pass percentage of 97.94%, surpassing urban areas which recorded 96.77%.
Pathankot district stands out with the highest pass percentage of 99.19%, while Barnala reported the lowest pass percentage of 95.96%.
The Class 10 board examination took place from March 24 to April 20, 2023, at various exam centers across Punjab. The exams were conducted in a single shift from 10 am to 1.15 pm. The duration of each paper was three hours, except for computer science, physical education and sports, and NSFQ subjects. Approximately 3 lakh candidates appeared for the Class 10 board examination in the state.