Haryana government on Thursday extended the last date of registration for online admission for the first year of undergraduate classes till 2 September.
An official spokesperson said that the principals and students of some colleges had sought an extension of the last date for admission in the first year of graduation classes. The higher education department has given approval in this regard.
He said that according to the new schedule, students can now apply and register themselves on the online admission portal till 2 September.
The spokesperson said the first merit list will be issued on 8 September 2021 after the online document verification is done by 4 September.
The students seeking admission will have to deposit the fees between 9 September and 13 September. After this, the second merit list will be issued on 15 September, for which fees can be deposited from 16 September to 18 September. If still, some seats remain vacant then the online admission portal will be again opened on 21 September for open counselling.