The wife of Mumbai police inspector who investigated the high-profile Sheena Bora murder case was found dead at their Santacruz residence late night on Tuesday. Also, the his 21-year-old son has been missing and his phone is switched off.
Police inspector Dyaneshwar Ganore found his wife Deepali Ganore’s body covered in a pool of blood after he returned from office.
According to police, Ganore found the doors of house locked. He tried calling his wife’s number only to be found unreachable. He broke open the door and found his wife Deepali’s body in a pool of blood with her throat slit.
He immediately called the police and her body was taken to a nearby hospital.
The police have ruled the incident as a murder and an investigation has been launched.
Galore was one of the investigating officers in the Sheena Bora murder case and was instrumental in arresting prime accused Indrani Mukherjea. The case was registered at the Khar police station where Galore is still posted at.