Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Tuesday said that his government was providing giving special attention to the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector which is mainly contributing to Tamil Nadu economy.
“Our Governemnt is giving special attention to the MSME sector which is mainly contributing to Tamil Nadu’s economy. A committe was formed headed by retired official Sunderadeval and as per its recommendation, steps were taken for developing the sector,” Stalin said at the MSME sector day celebration event held in Chennai. Stalin credited the former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and his father Karunanidhi for the development of the MSME sector in the State.
“We are celebrating Karunanidhi Centenary year. Social justice and equal industrial development are Karunanidhi s vision. In India, it’s Karunanidhi who introduced a policy for the MSME sector for the first time in Tamil Nadu,” the Chief Minister said.
“In the 1970s SIDCO was formed for new entrepreneurs where basic facilities were made. Now in Tami Nadu in 37 districts 127 industrial centres are there,” he added.
The Chief Minister introduced a new scheme for the Scheduled Caste and the Scheduled Tribes entrepreneurs.
“To encourage and full fill social and economic justice for Aadhi Dravida (SC/ST ) entrepreneurs The Tamil Nadu government has introduced the Annal Ambedkar Industrial Entrepreneurs Scheme,” Stalin said.
Under this scheme, a 35 per cent loan will be given for land, buildings, materials, and investment and a 6 per cent interest subsidy for 10 years will be given.
The Chief Minister said that for SC/ ST entrepreneurs, no such subsidy is given by any other states in the country.