Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Friday gave an ultimatum to the encroachers to vacate the government land by May 31 or face the action.
In a statement today, the CM said the state government is committed to freeing the land from illegal encroachments.
He said that during the tenure of the successive governments in the state, the affluent people had illegally encroached the precious government land by violating the norms, which is unwarranted and undesirable.
Mann, however, said that from day one after assuming the charge of office, his government had adopted a zero tolerance policy towards illegal encroachments.
The CM said the state government has so far freed more than 9000 acres of government land from the illegal encroachers.
He said this momentum will be continued further and every inch of government land under illegal encroachment will be vacated by all means.
Mann asked the illegal encroachers to vacate the land under their possession by 31 May or the government will get it freed on its own.
The CM said that a massive anti-encroachment drive by the state government will be started from 1 June to remove these encroachments.
He said no one, however affluent he may be, will be spared during this drive to be started in larger public interest. Mann said that the people residing on such land, if any, should not worry as they will not be dislocated during the drive.