Uttarakhand Education and Sports Minister Arvind Pandey continued to hog the limelight for wrong reasons. The minister created a controversy in a press conference by calling a journalist, who was asking him a question, a political agent.
When journalists attending the meet objected to Pandey’s accusation, the minster left the venue.
The incident happened at Haldwani on Monday. Pandey was interacting with the media on infrastructural development at Haldwani city. When asked about the slow pace of development, the minister lost his temper, “Are you an agent of Congress party…or of BJP?”
The allegation turned things hostile for the minister. As journalists started to protest, Pandey stood up from his seat and silently left the venue.
Earlier this month, Pandey had called a journalist blackmailer. The journalist had apparently asked the minster to refresh his childhood memories and recite the table of 13 on camera. Rather than ignoring the question, the minister accused the media person of being a blackmailer.