Controversial BJP leader Rajkumar Thukral is back in the news. This time he allegedly manhandled a ‘Dalit woman’ in Rudrapur and when the video of the incident became viral on social media, the party served him a show-cause notice.
BJP spokesperson Dr Devendra Bhasin said, “The party has served a show cause notice on Rajkumar Thukral and asked him to submit his reply within a week.”
Ramkishore, a resident of Indra Nagar, visited MLA Rajkumar Thukral’s residence on Friday evening. The applicant was with his wife Mala Devi, two daughters and son, requesting the leader to solve their family dispute. The rival party was also present. As the two sides argued, Rajkumar Thukral abused and beat up the Dalit woman and her other family members.
Ramkishore filed a police complaint accusing Thukral of using foul language and beating up his family members. Thukral said, “I have installed CCTV camera in my residence and the footage can clearly prove that I am innocent. Two sides had come to my residence with their problem, they started fighting and I intervened to stop the fight.”
In the past, Thukral was charged with attempt to murder, loot, rioting and creating law and order problems during the 2011 Rudrapur communal riots.
The video shows the MLA beating up the woman and chasing other family members to manhandle them. The clip shows Thukral beating up three members and asking them rudely to leave the premises. Thukral is famous for losing his temper.