In the early hours of Wednesday, an incident at Kirari in the Prem Nagar area of Delhi claimed two lives while injuring one after the roof of an old house collapsed while they were sleeping, stated Delhi police.
According to the cops, at around 2:57 am, the Prem Nagar Police Station received a PCR call reporting casualties due to the roof collapse. Local police promptly arrived at the scene and found three individuals injured. They were immediately shifted to a nearby hospital.
The police stated that in the incident two of the victims, identified as 85-year-old Shukram and his 75-year-old wife, Gayatri, were declared brought dead by the attending doctor. The third injured person, Vinod, the 40-year-old son of the deceased couple, received treatment and was subsequently discharged.
A preliminary inquiry indicated that the roof of the old house suddenly gave way during the night while the family was inside, asserted officials.
Following post-mortem examinations, the bodies of Shukram and Gayatri were handed over to their relatives. Authorities have found no evidence of foul play in this incident, stated police.
It further asserted that necessary legal actions have been undertaken to address the matter, and local authorities are investigating the circumstances surrounding the collapse.