The Delhi Police on Wednesday arrested two persons wanted in connection with the murder of their business partner in Gautam Buddha Nagar from North Delhi. The arrest resulted in the seizure of two semi-automatic pistols, six live bullets, and a country-made pistol (desi katta) from their possession.
The accused were identified as Nitin (25) and Shekhar (23).
According to the police, on August 19, the special staff team received a tip-off about the presence of two accused persons wanted by the UP Police in connection with the murder of a man named Vinay.
Acting on this information, a trap was laid near the Khyber Pass area, and a car was signalled to stop. The three people sitting in the car were overpowered and weapons were recovered from them. Subsequently, a case under the Arms Act was filed at the Civil Lines police station in this regard.
During interrogation, Nitin revealed that he and the deceased, Vinay, had been friends for the past 10 years, and a rift developed between them over the functioning of an RO Plant.
On August 17, he fired at Vinay five times in his village, Luksar, in Gautam Buddha Nagar, and fled along with his associates, Shekhar and Aakash, in his car.
The accused further revealed that they had come to Delhi to hire an advocate to plead their case.
The Delhi Police said that the SHO concerned of the Kasna Police Station in Gautam Buddha Nagar district has been intimated to initiate legal action into the matter at their end.