The Delhi Traffic Police has issued an advisory for the Samvidhan Divas Padyatra scheduled to take place on Monday.
The event will begin at 8:00 am from Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium at India Gate Circle and return to the same venue by 9:30 am, it said. To avoid traffic disruption, comprehensive traffic restrictions and diversions have been put in place by the traffic police in the vicinity of C-Hexagon on India Gate.
Vehicles will not be allowed to stop or park on C-Hexagon or the surrounding areas, violators will face prosecution and towing of vehicles to Bhairo Mandir, warned the advisory.
Commuters are advised to avoid routes such as Tilak Marg, Ashoka Road, Shahjahan Road, Zakir Hussain Marg, Akbar Road up to Gol Methi, Janpath, and nearby areas, it said. Key diversion points include Tilak Marg-Bhagwan Dass Road Crossing, Mathura Road intersections, and roundabout Mandi House, among others. Additionally, the tunnels at Pragati Maidan leading to India Gate are recommended to be avoided.
Public transport usage is encouraged to minimise congestion and travelers heading to ISBTs, railway stations, and airports are advised to plan their journeys carefully with ample time.
The Padyatra is being undertaken to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Indian Constitution. Organised by the Department of Youth Affairs through its autonomous body, MY Bharat and will witness the participation of around 10,000 individuals, including youth, led by the Minister of Youth Affairs, Sports, Labour and Employment, along with other dignitaries.
The Delhi Traffic Police urged commuters to cooperate, follow traffic personnel’s instructions, and remain patient to ensure smooth vehicular movement during the event.