Tamil Nadu’s Minister for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare M.R.K.Panneerselvam on Saturday presenting the state’s first budget for agriculture said it is dedicated to the farmers protesting in Delhi protesting against the three farms laws of the central government.
The DMK government headed by Chief Minister M.K.Stalin had announced that a separate budget for agriculture will be presented by the government earlier.
This is the first time a separate budget for the agriculture sector is being presented.
“There are more challenges viz., decrease in the cropped area due to conversion of agricultural lands into real estate, depletion in soil nutrition, declining of water resources due to over-exploitation; reluctance among youngsters to take up farming, deprivation of remunerative price for agricultural produce, enhanced cost of cultivation, post-harvest loss, etc. Farmers are shouldering these hard challenges in agriculture like Atlas,” he said.
According to Panneerselvam a total of Rs 34,220.65 crore has been allocated for the agriculture and allied sectors for the year 2021-22.