Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Tejashwi Yadav on Monday marched from Patna’s state assembly to the Dak Bangla square in Patna in support of the ‘Bharat Bandh’ call made by Dalit groups against the alleged dilution of the SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act.
Accompanied by all 80 legislators from his party, Yadav led the rally through the streets of the Bihar capital. His supporters holding posters and waving the RJD flag raised slogans against the Centre and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
“The Bandh call was successful because of the participation of the united front presented by Dalits, tribals and backward communities,” said Yadav while thanking those who supported the call.
Read More: Bharat bandh: Four dead in ongoing Dalit protests in Madhya Pradesh
He accused the Centre of not being serious about the concerns of Dalits.
“If they were really concerned about the Dalits, they would have brought an ordinance instead of a review petition,” the former Bihar deputy chief minister said commenting on the move adopted by the Modi government on Monday against the Supreme Court decision on an amendment in the Act.
“Yeh sab nautanki aur dhakosla hai. (This is a drama and eyewash.) They don’t want the rule of law. The maximum atrocities on Dalits have been committed in BJP-ruled states,” said Yadav, who is the younger son of RJD supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav.
The 28-year-old leader also rebuked Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) leader Ram Vilas Paswan and his son Chirag of not paying attention to the Dalits despite proclaiming themselves as Dalit leaders.
“When the Bahujans were carrying out Bharat Bandh under the scorching heat of the sun, Ram Vilas Paswan was resting with family members who won from reserved seats,” he wrote on Twitter.
“Anyway, his actor son (Chirag) advocates ending Dalit reservation but has himself won from a reserved seat,” added Yadav.