The Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) on Tuesday said it would obstruct the coming Assembly session if the state government does not give a satisfactory assurance about the construction of the Satluj Yamuna Link (SYL) canal.
Addressing the final rally of the ‘Jail Bharo’ agitation launched by the Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) and its alliance partner, BahujanSamaj Party (BSP), leader of the Opposition Abhay Singh Chautala said if a delegation of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) goes to meet party’s Central leadership on the issue, he was willing to join them to prove that the SYL issue is not about politics.
“However, to carry forward this campaign and to force the government to restart the construction of the canal, a peaceful and voluntary state wide Bandh will be called by the alliance on August 18,” Chautala said.
He also announced that the business community of the state has already assured of its participation in the Bandh in support of the farmers’ cause. Such democratic pressures would be applied till the governments at the Centre and the state wake up to implement the Supreme Court verdict on the issue.
The leader of the Opposition also assured that the INLD-BSP alliance was here to stay and its combined strength would sweep the next Assembly elections so as to give a government that is responsive to the needs of the farmers and the laboring classes.
He also predicted victory of the Third Front under the leadership of BSP chief Mayawati in the LokSabha polls. He said that the BJP had won the 2014 elections on the basis of false promises in the absence of a credible alternative. But now a potent alternative in the form of Third Front is before the people, Chautala added.