The Indian National Lok Dal on Tuesday threatened to intensify its Jail Bharo agitation from 17 Jul if the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party at the Centre and state remained unresponsive to the demand for completion of Satluj Yamuna Link (SYL) canal.
Addressing volunteers of INLD and party’s alliance partner Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) in Jhajjar, leader of the Opposition Abhay Singh Chautala said the Jail Bharo agitation has been launched for the completion of the SYL canal as directed by the Supreme Court, the completion of the now abandoned Dadupur-Nalvi canal and getting Mewat’s legitimate share of water from Agra canal.
Chautala said during its decade-long rule at the Centre, instead of ensuring that the SYL canal the Congress indulged in unprecedented corruption and the people were so fed up of the Congress that for lack of viable alternative they chose the BJP to rule the country.
“However, now the people have an option in the form of Third Front, the next elections will witness the change when BJP is ousted and Third Front government formed under the leadership of Mayawati,” he said.
Training his guns on the state government, the INLD leader also accused the ruling BJP of misleading the people on vital issue of SYL and conspiring with its central leadership to invent new excuses for delaying the implementation of the Supreme Court order regarding SYL canal.
In addition, the BJP government in Haryana has failed in its primary duty of providing security and safety to the people. It has thrice allowed the state to be engulfed by divisive forces. In its nearly four years of rule it has attempted to destroy the traditional amity and brotherhood by trying to divide the castes and groups of the society.
Even more, the BJP has tried to create insecurity among the minority community and spread hatred against them, Chautala said. He also targeted the Congress whose senior leaders instigated violence during the Jat agitation for reservation.