The lethal online game Blue Whale Challenge has allegedly reached Himachal Pradesh after a case of Class 5 student carving the image of a blue whale on his wrist with a blade surfaced in Solan district.
The incident came to light on 6 September when the minor boy’s parents noticed a injury mark on his wrist, Solan Superintendent of Police, Mohit Chawla told The Statesman.
The minor boy was playing the game after watching a video on a social networking site, Chawla said, adding that no formal complaint has been received from his parents yet.
The Police officials have advised the parents to take the minor boy for counselling.
Sources said, the student was allegedly playing the game online in his friend’s mobile phone and in cyber-café as he did not have a mobile phone of his own.
“The minor boy had reportedly told his parents that his 3-4 friends were also playing the game,”sources said, adding that there was no confirmation on his revelation.
SP Solan said they have issued an advisory to all schools of the district to keep a watch on the activities of the students and also make the parents aware of their activities.
In the advisory, the police officials have appealed to the parents, teachers and all individuals to keep a close watch on their children if they are into playing online games.
They have been advised to remain vigilant if the child shows erratic behaviour as it might be the result of playing online game.
The advisory instructs the parents to notice behavioural changes in their children as it points towards depression or mental problem and they should check the child’s text messages, call logs, communication on social networking sites.
The 50-day game presents challenges to players, most of them brutal with the final challenge of committing suicide.
A player is asked to complete a task everyday and have to furnish photos of the completed task and if he or she tries to withdraw, the administrators threaten to harm the family.
The game is spread through links on the social media and though the government had asked the social networking sites remove such links, such incidents are being reported from all parts of the country almost every day.