Demanding resignation of Haryana Chief Minister over rising crime against women in the state, senior Congress leader Randeep Singh Surjewala on Sunday said Manohar Lal Khattar government has totally failed to control crimes against the daughters of the state.
Launching a scathing attack over CBSE topper’s gang-rape case in Rewari, Surjewala said it was shocking that despite the national concern and loud claims by the state police, all the culprits of the heinous crime were roaming free even after four days.
“Haryana has become a crime hub under Khattar government as the official figures given in the recent state Assembly session prove that crimes against women have increased by 47 percent since BJP government came to power”, he added.
As many as 1,413 cases of rape were registered in various police stations between 1 September 2017 and September 2018 as compared to 1,193 cases between September 2016 and August 2017. The number of rape cases during the same period in 2014-15 and 2015-16 were 961 and 1,026 respectively, he further added.
Revealing a startling figure from National Crime Record Bureau(NCRB) data, Surjewala said that in the year 2016 Haryana Police filed charge sheets in only 56.2 percent of cases, which is the second lowest among all the states and Union Territories of the country.
Such unprofessional attitude and ineffectiveness of the state police encourages the culprits as the national average of filing chargesheets is much higher at 78.1 percent, he further added.
Slamming the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government, Surjewala said, “The truth is that the state government, which vows to save daughters has made the state to witness most number of rapes and gang rapes”.
NCRB figures for year 2016 are only available as NCRB data for years 2017 and 2018 have not been released but Haryana reported 1,090 murders, 1,189 rapes, 191 gang rapes and 4,019 kidnapping and abduction incidents in year 2016, which is three murders, three rapes and 11 kidnappings and abductions on an average day.
“It is a matter of shame that Haryana has got the highest average of gang-rape cases in the country now,” Surjewala added.