Odisha government on Thursday approved four investment proposals worth Rs 1,495 crore. The government’s nod to the projects came during the 77thmeeting of the State Level Single Window Clearance Authority (SLSWCA) held under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary Aditya Prasad Padhi.
The SLSWCA accorded approval to a reputed food processing company to set up a fruit-based beverage manufacturing unit at an investment of Rs. 140 crore.
The unit has been proposed in Khurda district and envisages creation of employment for 150 people. One of the leading manufacturers of wires and cables used for transmission & distribution of electricity had submitted a proposal to set up a greenfield aluminium conductors and cables manufacturing unit at the Angul Aluminium Park with a capacity of 30,000 tonnes per annum.
The investment outlay was Rs. 52 crores with employment potential for 180 persons. ITC Limited’s food processing unit coming up at Khurda also received approval to expand its product line.
The construction work of the unit is currently under progress. The expansion of the project would entail additional investment of Rs. 63 crores and create additional employment for 100 people.
Vedanta Limited’s proposal to expand capacity of its aluminium smelter unit at Jharsuguda from 1.6 million metric tonnes per annum (MMTPA) to 1.8 MMTPA was recommended to High Level Clearance Authority for final approval.
This would entail incremental investment of Rs. 1240 crores and create additional jobs for 800 people, said official sources.
With the objective of attracting 2.5 lakh crore of fresh investments and generating 30 lakh job opportunities as part of Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik’s Vision – 2025, the Odisha Government is working efficiently towards diversifying and broadening the state’s industrial development sectors
Odisha’s business-friendly policies and the development of world-class infrastructure have received positive feedback from investors across the country as the State has been able to create an ideal business ecosystem for various sectors to flourish in the state.