Three days after the tour of BJP president Amit Shah, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat reached Haridwar to meet Hindu spiritual leaders. Bhagwat arrived in the holy township on Tuesday evening and kept himself away from media. The trip created speculation, especially among journalists.
The RSS chief is staying at the Harihar Ashram at Kankhal. Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat met Acharya Mahamandleshwar Avdheshanand Giri, head of Gayatri Tirath Parivar Dr. Pranav Pandya and Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat. The CM interacted for about 25 minutes with Mohan Bhagwat. Many claims they had an one-to-one close door meeting.
Chief Minister Trivendra Rawat said, “Mohan Bhagwat ji is on his private visit to Haridwar.” The RSS chief is on a short break and discussed 2019 Allahabad Kumbh, rejuvenation of Ganga and how to make spirituality popular among the new generation with Hindu spiritual leaders.
Ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, BJP national president Amit Shah came to Uttarakhand on 24 June. In his one day visit, Shah headed to Haridwar to meet prominent saints under the BJP’s ‘Sampark for Samarthan.’ The BJP chief paid courtesy call to head of the ‘Akhil Vishwa Gayatri Pariwar’ Dr. Pranav Pandya, Bharat Mata Mandir Trust founder Swami Satyamitranand Giri Maharaj and Avdheshanand Giri of Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Juna Akhara.
The arrival of Mohan Bhagwat also fueled speculations. Many connected it rumour that Gayatri Tirath Parivar Dr. Pranav Pandya is unhappy with BJP.
Providing a clarification, Chief Minister Trivendra Rawat said, “These are plain speculations of the media.”