Senior Aam Aadmi Party leader and former Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi Manish Sisodia on Saturday, took to streets of West Vinod Nagar on the second day of his ‘Padyatra’ (foot march), and met the locals, who welcomed him with warmth, the party said.
Scores of people including party workers from the areas gathered around the AAP leader as he walked on the streets and greeted people with a smile on his face, while enquiring about his well-being.
During his padyatra Sisodia was greeted by a school student and the former deputy CM and education minister asked the school boy whether his studies were going well and whether there was any issue.
As he walked amongst people on the second day if his padyatra, a woman approached Sisodia and got emotional addressing him as her brother and saying that it was because of his efforts government schools are providing education, even better than private schools in several places, and further said that what happened with Sisodia was not good, but at last it was the truth that emerged, she added.
AAP leaders including Kuldeep Kumar and other local party workers accompanied him while he walked the streets of West VInod Nagar.
Sisodia began his padyatra on Friday from Greater Kailash assembly constituency, and had said that people prayed for him and now are welcoming him back, while they are also praying for the release of Arvind Kejriwal, and added that the Delhi CM will also come out of jail soon.
It was nearly a two-hour long walk which the former Delhi minister had on Friday as part of his foot march, while party leaders Saurabh Bharadwaj and Reena Gupta also accompanied him.