Indigenous herbal knowledge recognised through patents
In fact, the NIF has already recognised 26 outstanding knowledge holders with herbal patent grants which will facilitate the scaling up of technologies for commercial and social ventures.
“We aim at filing 100 patents every year,” said Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof PK Khosla.
Shoolini University. (Photo: Facebook/@ShooliniUniversityOfficial)
Shoolini University in Solan, which has completed nine years of its existence has announced ambitious plans, has crossed the milestone of filing over 200 patents.
“We aim at filing 100 patents every year,” said Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof PK Khosla. He said the thrust of the University is also on converting research into technology with its refinement for commercialization. “For pharmaceutical based patents, the focus shall be on clinical trials. The facilities for this are created in-house and also in partnership with industry,” he said.
He said Biocon, a reputed biotech company, has already shown keen interest in this venture. Most of the patents are drug discovery, enzymes and peptides, disaster management and designing of agro-based tools particularly for application in hill farming. “We have already generated revenue of Rs 12 lakh from patents,” he said.
Providing details, he said Biotech, Bioengineering and Food technology departments have filed 81 patents, core Engineering has filed 63 patents while Pharmaceuticals Sciences Department has filed 12 patents. Basic Sciences Department and Management Department have filed 42 and two patents respectively.
Khosla announced a new 5 years programme in Naturopathy and Yoga (BNYS), which will start next year.