The Sikh for Justice (SFJ) leader Gurpatwant Singh Pannu on Tuesday issued another threat to Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur of Mohali type attack in Shimla if the government takes action against persons who affixed Khalistan flags and graffiti on the HP assembly complex in Dharamshala in Kangra district.
In a recorded audio message that was sent today to media persons, Pannu asked Thakur to take lessons from the reported RPG-like attack on Punjab Police intelligence headquarters in Mohali and warned that it could have been Shimla also.
He also threatened the government with violence if the government takes action against persons who had affixed Khalistan flags and graffiti at HP Vidhansabha gate. Pannu also announced that the SFJ will declare the date for the referendum in Himachal Pradesh from Paonta Sahib in Sirmaur district on the 38th anniversary of Operation Bluestar in June.
Talking to the media, Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur said the state government had constituted SIT to probe the incident at HP Vidhan Sabha and strict action will be taken against the accused.
A high alert has also been sounded in the state to thwart any attempts to cause disruption in communal harmony in the state and the police will soon arrest the culprits involved in affixing Khalistan flags and graffiti in Kangra.
He, however, refused to comment on Pannu’s recent threat and said his attempt to vitiate the peaceful atmosphere in Himachal won’t be successful.