Countering Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur’s claim of repeating the recent success of BJP in Himachal too, the Leader of Opposition Mukesh Agnihotri on Tuesday said the ruling members should prepare themself in advance to sit on opposition benches.
Replying to the CM’s address on the concluding day of the budget session, Agnihotri said Jai Ram Thakur is getting over-excited over the BJP’s recent win in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Goa, and Manipur.
“Whatever happens in the country you should prepare yourself to sit on opposition benches as the results of bypolls will not be repeated in Himachal. Besides, Himachal doesn’t follow other states in poll trends and the bigul for the ouster of the BJP government has already been sounded,” he added.
He stated that it was Thakur’s last budget and the next budget will be presented by Congress in 2023.
The people of the state were disappointed with the budget, he said while requesting the CM to work for the welfare of all and use the budget grants judiciously.