Himachal Pradesh Congress chief Kuldeep Singh Rathore on Friday said the people of the state are now disillusioned with ruling BJP and it is the reason that Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur is announcing populist measures to regain their trust.
Rathore said the BJP government didn’t pay any heed to needs and aspirations of the people of the state but now CM Jai Ram Thakur was making populist announcements after foreseeing looming defeat in 2022 assembly elections.
“The defeat of BJP in recently concluded bypolls in the state prove that the people of the state have written off the ruling party ahead of assembly polls,” he added.
He stated that BJP was mired by infighting and the ministers continued to insult and harass government officials in front of CM Thakur which had led to the crumbling of the administrative system in the state.
The ruling party was completely intoxicated with power before the bypolls but the people broke the illusion of BJP leaders and now its leaders seemed to be in shock after the humiliating defeat.
“The BJP leaders can hold meetings to brainstorm over the reasons for defeat in bypolls but it won’t do any good for poll prospects of the party.
Now, many BJP leaders were resigning from party posts and the factionalism is on rise in the party which will reach peak during assembly elections,” he said, adding Congress will order probe into corrupt deeds of BJP after coming into power.