Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on Thursday said he has taken up the issue of safe return of seven students who are stranded in Ukraine with the Centre government and Ministry of External Affairs amid war with Russia.
Talking to media, Thakur expressed concern over war between Ukraine and Russia and said seven students, whose parents have sought help from the state government, are stranded in the war-torn country along with other people.
“The Union government is preparing an effective policy for the safe return of Indian nationals and we are hopeful that these students will soon be able to return home,” he added.
He urged the students to not to panic and follow advisories issued by the Indian government. He told the parents of the students that the safety of the stranded youth is of utmost importance to the state government so they shouldn’t worry about this and the Centre will soon come out with a strategy to evacuate them from Ukraine.