Himachal Pradesh Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar on Wednesday said an awareness campaign should be conducted in schools on ancient Indian medicine systems like Ayurveda and herbal plants where the Ayush Department could play a significant role.
After a meeting of the Ayush department, he said Ayush including Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Sowa Rigpa and Homeopathy was a holistic system of medicine and we should promote it in a big way, for which the departments could organize camps in collaboration with the Red Cross.
He directed to select some schools in the initial stage for the construction of herbal gardens, where the Ayush department would make available information about the medicinal plant to the students.
With the awareness of the students, this campaign would reach every household, in which the Red Cross could also cooperate, he added.
He also directed to prepare a program in this regard and said a weekly yoga programme should be started in schools and for this, yoga teachers of Ayush department would impart training. It could be extended regularly in the next phase through the Department of Education, he asked.
Arlekar further stated that a workshop could be organized by enlisting traditional practitioners, which would provide an opportunity to understand their problems.
It was required to have their identification and documentation to maintain the medical system of traditional Vaid. Dietary information should also be made available to the students as schools were such a better place where we could start these activities and it was through the students that this knowledge could reach every level.
He appreciated the initiative of the department for providing better services to the people through their centers.