The Himachal Pradesh Congress on Sunday accused the BJP-ruled state government of leaving the common masses to fend for themselves, charging that they were being made to suffer owing to wrong decisions of the government.
State Congress spokesperson Vijay Dogra said in COVID19 pandemic when the state government should have provided relief to common masses, the government’s decision had resulted in price-rise, causing mental and economic harassment.
“The residents of the state had to seek permission for coming to their own state while outsiders are being brought to state via flights.
If the state government is giving argument that they were asking the people to seek e-COVID pass to track their history, then they should follow the example of Punjab wherein e-Registration facility is launched for inter-state movement,” he added.
Dogra said many people had lost their jobs due to Corona crisis in the state and many employees were being harassed and ousted by private companies but the government hadn’t taken any corrective measures resolve these issues.
“The BJP government seems to careless about such issues which were being faced by the people.
The BJP leaders are shedding crocodile tears and giving false assurances on being supportive towards the needs of general public. But the situation on ground tells an entirely different story,” he added.
He further stated that BJP ministers were organizing public functions amidst the COVID-19 pandemic without caring for the safety of masses as these could lead to community spread of disease.
The state government had imposed various sanctions on holding of various social functions and even marriages but there seemed to be no such restriction on functions and programmes organized by the party, he added.
He urged the BJP government to take decisions for the welfare of general public and utilize the funds to provide them relief.
He also took a dig at state BJP chief Suresh Chief for terming Congress a party without any leader and advised him to focus on his own party organization as Congress had strong leadership and even better policies to help people in such a crisis.