The Himachal Pradesh government on Monday announced easing of Covid restrictions with schools for Class 9th to 12th will reopen from 3 February in the state.
The decision was taken in the Cabinet meeting that was held here today under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur.
A state government official said the Cabinet decided that all summer closing educational institutions from 9th to 12th standard would open from 3 February 2022, along with all other higher educational institutions.
It also decided that all the coaching institutions and libraries would also remain open from 3rd February.
Besides, all Government offices would remain open, as usual for six days in a week with 100 per cent capacity. However, handicapped persons and pregnant women would still continue to work from home.
It was also decided that all the gyms and clubs would be opened with all social gatherings allowed with maximum 500 outdoor and 250 indoor with 50 percent of the capacity, subject to adherence of the Covid-19 safety protocols and covid appropriate behaviour.
While night curfew would remain in force as usual from 10 pm to 6 am and shops will open and close on normal times and langar would remain suspended till further orders, he added.
The official stated that the Cabinet gave its nod to Himachal Pradesh Integrated Drug Prevention Policy to curb drug menace and the policy aims at curbing the grievous problem of drug trafficking, substance abuse, drug cultivation, production and consumption prevalent in the state.
It also aims at strengthening inter-governmental and inter-agency coordination under multi-literal cooperation mechanisms by sharing seizure statistics/data, joint drug law enforcement operations and establishment of joint interrogation centres.
It also gave its approval to engage M/s Krsnaa Diagnostic Private Ltd Pune, the successful L-1 bidder offering maximum discount of 40.50 per cent on IGMC-RKS/CGHS rates for providing diagnostic services upto the CHC level as per HUB and SPOKE Model for 236 tests including 53 free tests through open bid tender.
Till now Laboratory services in the state were being provided at 24 health institutions only and this decision would facilitate the patients in getting diagnostic facilities at their doorsteps.
It gave its approval to establish a sub-division of Public Works Department at Himachal Bhawan New Delhi alongwith filling up of nine posts of different categories.
The Cabinet decided to make a partial amendment in its decision regarding opening a new Division of HP Public Works Department at Shahpur in Kangra on 14th JanuaryIt gave its approval to establish a sub-division of Public Works Department at Himachal Bhawan New Delhi alongwith filling up of nine posts of different categories.
2022 by including three sections viz Chairi, Gaggal and Rajaul under sub-division Gaggal to facilitate the people of the area.