Himachal gets second state university in 52 years
Sardar Patel University came into existence 52 years after the setting up of the Himachal Pradesh University to enable the youth to get higher education.
After the High Power Committee review meeting on preparation for the Swarnim Himachal Celebrations and Swarnim Himachal Rath Yatra, Thakur said Swarnim Himachal celebrations would be celebrated throughout the year to showcase the “glorious developmental journey” of the state during the last 50 years.
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Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on Monday said Swarnim Himachal Rath Yatra must be a massive medium to establish contact with every HP resident and the message must be clear that they have made their contribution in development and progress of the state.
After the High Power Committee review meeting on preparation for the Swarnim Himachal Celebrations and Swarnim Himachal Rath Yatra, Thakur said Swarnim Himachal celebrations would be celebrated throughout the year to showcase the “glorious developmental journey” of the state during the last 50 years.
“The whole event has been divided into two parts, the Swarnim Himachal Rath Yatra which will start from 15 April, this year for 51 days.
The second event would be the Swarnim Himachal Celebration, which would be held throughout the year in which 51 events would be organized by different departments in various parts of the state.
Besides, special focus must be laid on educating the younger generation regarding the glorious history of the state and events as declamation, quiz, essay writing etc will be held at school and college level to ensure active involvement of the youth,” he added.
He directed the Education department to take a lead in this direction so that the younger generation could be proud of its rich history and past of the state. He said proper documentation of the whole event must be ensured so that it becomes the most important document for the generations to come.
Further, involvement of local artists must be ensured to drive the message of the state government to the masses and effective use of media must also be ensured by involving NGOs, Mahila Mandals, Yuvak Mandal, elected Panchayati Raj Institutions representatives.
“Every farmer, engineer, soldier, teacher, doctor and common man has made his contribution in this developmental journey of the state.
The event should not be a ceremonial one but should create a sense of contact with each and every person of the state and a special event must be held to honour the people of the State who have created a special place for themselves in different fields,” he said.
The Chief Minister added one booklet must be prepared on the state level achievements and progress and another highlighting the district level statistics.
Besides, hoardings must be installed at the strategic points and should highlight achievements of the state during the last fifty years. Apart from this, adequate publicity material must be prepared and provided to the people of the state, he added.
All the members of the Committee gave their suggestions on the occasion to make the event a success.
They suggested construction of memorials in memory of various freedom fighters and Praja Mandal and Pajotha Andolan activists.
HP Vidhan Sabha Speaker Vipin Parmar, Jal Shakti Minister Mahender Singh Thakur, Urban Development Minister Suresh Bhardwaj, Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Sarveen Chaudhary, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Minister Virender Kanwar, Education Minister Govind Thakur, Power Minister Sukh Ram Chaudhary, Food and Civil Supplies Minister Rajinder Garg were also present at the meeting among others.