The Himachal Pradesh government has increased the assistance being provided to the family with patients of chronic disease from Rs 2000 to Rs 3000 per month, which has benefitted about 6550 people of the state with an expenditure of Rs 3.45 crore under ‘Sahara Yojna’.
Addressing a Virtual Jan Samvad rally of Dalhousie BJP Mandal from Shimla today, the Chief Minister said that the corona epidemic has posed a big challenge before the world, but the situation in India is better than most of the developed countries.
He said that as many as 4.10 lakh deaths have been reported in 15 most developed countries with a population of about 142 crore whereas on other hand about 8200 deaths have been reported in India due to COVID-19 till now.
He said that credit of this goes to timely and farsighted decisions taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Thakur said that Rs 2000 each have been deposited in the bank accounts of about 8.74 lakh farmers of the State under the Pradhan Mantri Kissan Samman Nidhi Yojna. He said that similarly the government has transferred Rs 500 per month in the bank amounts of about 5.90 lakh eligible women for the month of April, May and June, 2020 under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna in wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The CM said the state government has also decided to provide facility of tests and treatment of corona under the Himcare and Ayushman Bharat Yojna. He said that about 5.69 lakh people of the state were provided social security pension in advance for the period of three months so that this vulnerable section of the society do not face any inconvenience due to corona pandemic. He said that 44000 new cases of social security pension have also been sanctioned.
Thakur said that the state government is ensuring that the state soon emerges from the economic crisis due to COVID-19 pandemic.