J&K CM Omar Abdullah lays stress on Himachal Pradesh-type laws to protect agricultural land
The Chief Minister noted that Himachal Pradesh has adopted a strict policy in this regard and stressed the adoption of a similar policy in J&K.
The spokesperson informed that the Health Ministry has been intimated about the visit of a Monkey Pox infected person to Himachal from Delhi.
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Himachal Pradesh health department is on high alert for Monkeypox and the department of health has issued directions to all the districts to adopt remedial and preventive measures.
The health authorities have issued the directions, after the confirmation of the fourth case of Monkeypox in the country at Delhi.
The 34-year old patient had no history of international travel, but he is said to have travelled to Himachal Pradesh before testing positive for Monkeypox after he fell ill.
An official spokesperson said here on Monday that although no case of Monkeypox has been reported in the state so far, however any person having come in contact with anyone suspected or infected with Monkeypox in the last 21 days should immediately seek medical attention.
The person should seek immediate medical attention if there is high fever and skin rash (starting from the face and spreading to the hands, feet, palms and soles), headache, muscle aches or fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes (lymph nodes) appear, said the spokesperson.
Giving further information, the health spokesperson said that this infection spreads from person to person through direct and indirect physical contact.
The virus can be spread through body fluids, particles from coughing and sneezing, sexual contact or contact with wounds, touching contaminated clothing or objects used by the affected person, he said, adding that if a person gets infected with this virus then he should be isolated in a separate room.
The infected person should wear a mask and cover the wounds on the skin with a sheet or gown and immediately report this to the nearest health institution, he added.
He said that people with co-morbidities and low immunity are more likely to have severe effects of monkeypox infection.
The spokesperson informed that the Health Ministry has been intimated about the visit of a Monkey Pox infected person to Himachal from Delhi.
“Further action will be taken as per the guidelines,” said the spokesperson.
There is no need to panic, but efforts should be made to seek correct and fact-based information and to prevent it from spreading and seek immediate medical advice.