Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on Saturday, inaugurated various developmental projects worth Rs. 14.38 crore in the Kullu Assembly constituency of the Kullu District.
Chief Minister inaugurated 100 bedded maternal and child health block of Regional Hospital Kullu constructed at a cost of Rs 12.95 crore, Health Sub Center Mohal constructed with an expenditure of 46 lakhs, Health Sub Center Bagan constructed with an amount of 16 lakhs.
He also inaugurated the Nagar Panchayat office and Development Block Office at Bhuntar.
While addressing the public meeting organized in the Bhuntar Sabzi Mandi complex on the occasion of the closing ceremony of the four-day long Bhuntar fair (Shadi Jaach), Thakur announced to open a mini secretariat at Bhuntar and starting of commerce classes in GSSS Peej and science classes in GSSS Manikaran.
He also announced Rs. 10 lakh for construction of roof at Mela venue. He announced the upgrading of various government schools and naming the Government Senior Secondary School (GSSS) Dhalpur in the name of martyr Balkrishan.
Thakur said that the fairs and festivals organized in Himachal Pradesh, play a pivotal role in showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the state.
The Chief Minister said, “Preservation and propagation of culture are essential for the progress of any nation. Only those nations endowed with cultural heritage are able to maintain their identity and supremacy in the world and India is one of them.”
He exhorted the youth to stay connected with their culture so that the future generation could also witness our rich cultural heritage.
The state government has also ensured the conservation of this rich cultural heritage by providing district level, state level, and international status to these fairs and by increasing the grant amount for various fairs, he added.