Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on Tuesday said wildlife must be conserved at any cost but at the same time, it must also be ensured that developmental works do not hamper due to various issues related to wildlife areas.
He made these remarks while presiding over the 10th meeting of the State Board for Wildlife held in Shimla today.
Thakur said the state government was considerate about the preservation and conservation of wildlife and its efforts have been appreciated and recognised at the national level.
He called for proper coordination between various line departments to ensure that developmental projects could be expedited and stated that a few ambitious projects must be prepared so that the same could be linked with tourism-related activities. Besides, efforts should also be made to prepare mega wildlife projects which could be sent for Central funding, the CM said.
Thakur directed the officers to ensure time-bound clearances for the proposed construction of Thunag-Pajut-Lambasafar-Chilamgad-Shikaridevi road and said this would give a big boost to tourism development in the area. A concrete plan must be prepared for the conservation of rare Himalayan species of animals and birds, he added.
It was decided in the meeting that the matter regarding the expansion of grain-based distillery and co-generation power plant at industrial area Sansarpur Terrace in Kangra district by M/s Premier Alcobev Private Ltd may be recommended to National Board for Wildlife.
The board also gave its approval for the diversion of 0.0375 hectares of forest land for construction of a helipad at Nagasti by ITBP authorities within Rakcham-Chitkul Wildlife Sanctuary and recommended the same for the National Board for Wildlife.