Chief Minister, Jai Ram Thakur on Wednesday said Congress leaders in Himachal Pradesh are unnecessarily making much hue and cry on investors meet. He said that the Union Government has provided Rs 12 crore as assistance for organising this Meet.
“It is strange that the three major Congress ruled states of the country had also organised such type of meets. But now when Himachal Pradesh is organising it, the Congress leaders are finding a flaw in it.”
He said that the adequate funds would be provided for Smart City Dharamshala for its systematic development so that it could emerge as a best tourist destination.
He thanked people of Dharamshala for ensuring impressive victory of the BJP candidate Vishal Neharia in the recently held by-elections to Dharamshala Assembly constituency.
Addressing ‘Abhar Rally’ in Dharamshala, the Chief Minister said people of Himachal had outrightly supported BJP in the Lok Sabha elections, 2019 and then in by-polls.
He said that the BJP set a record in itself by maintaining lead in all the 68 assembly constituencies of the state in the Lok Sabha elections. He said that the vote share of the BJP was highest in the state in the Lok Sabha Elections. He said that the highest victory margin in term of vote percentage was also of BJP MP from Kangra parliamentary seat. He said people have shown faith in policies and programmes in HP.
Thakur said that the BJP got support from every section of society and has expressed faith in the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He said that Dharamshala is not only the headquarters of biggest district of the State, but it was also on world tourist map due to its natural beauty and as an abode of His Holiness Dalai Lama. He said that the people were fortunate that Prime Minister has also considered Himachal Pradesh as his second home.
The Chief Minister said that the state government was organising the Global Investors Meet at Dharamshala, which shows that the concern of the Government for development of Kangra district.
He said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi would preside over the inaugural function on 7 November and Home Minister Amit Shah would be presiding over the valedictory function on 8 November. In addition to this, senior Union Ministers were also participating in the meet, he added.