Himachal Pradesh Congress on Friday sought CBI probe into indictment of HP cadre IPS officer Arvind Digvijay Negi by National Investigation Agency (NIA) for his alleged role in sharing secret info with terrorists.
It is worth mentioning here that Negi was booked by NIA in alleged conspiracy case of sharing secret information with an Over-Ground Worker (OGW) of banned terrorist organisation Lashkar-e-Toiba in Jammu Kashmir.
Congress member Jagat Singh Negi raised the issue while speaking on the budgetary demands of the Home department in the Himachal Pradesh assembly today.
“A bright and honest IPS officer from Himachal, Arvind Digvijay Negi was recently arrested by the NIA under a conspiracy. Negi was posted and had served in the militancy infested Jammu and Kashmir for the last five years.
His operations led to the arrest of many terrorists and he exposed network of OGWs which was the example of his performance. However when he recently returned to state cadre, a conspiracy was hatched on the complaint of an arrested DSP Devinder Singh who himself had been arrested for helping the militants by escorting him in his vehicle recently,” he said, adding Negi had an exemplary service record.
Negi stated that IPS officers are now becoming victims of allegations aiding militancy against whom they worked in Jammu Kashmir. Today he is now in custody of the NIA despite serving the country for years, he said while demanding his release and an independent probe by the CBI to investigate the allegations in a fair manner.
CPM member Rakesh Singha too supported Negi’s demand for CBI probe and said Arvind Digvijay Negi who belonged to Kinnaur district is being victimised.