The changing climate, variation observed in many weather parameters have thrown up a greater challenge of developing newer practices and activities like storing the large amount of precipitation received during these more intense rainy days, said speakers at a seminar on “Perspectives of Building Resilient India through Effective Climate and Disaster Risk Reduction”.
The seminar organised at Biju Pattnaik Conference Hall, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar was addressed by Dr K J Ramesh, Director General, India Meteorological Department, New Delhi . Dr Ramesh called for more preparedness and advisory backup we need to have more observatory and data backup system to help develop prediction models with more accuracy.
The advances in science has helped us in developing many climate and disaster related warning systems and developing more resilience through risk reduction.
In his address Prof. Surendranath Pasupalak, Vice-Chancellor, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, stated that climate and agriculture are the two most ancient science and knowledge system of India. The change in climate is gradually intensifying and affecting the agriculture production system.
The changing climate as well as the agriculture system will have a definite impact on industry and other development paradigms which may affect the society in long run. At the function, the Honoris Causa was conferred on Dr K J Ramesh, Director General, India Meteorological Department.