Tejashwi Yadav, after returning to Patna, has said that the family will organise a massive reception (Bahu Bhoj) in the next few days.
The Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) workers on Monday thronged in huge numbers to the Patna airport when Tejashwi Yadav returned with his newly wedded wife. The workers also lined up on the three km road leading to Rabri Devi’s residence at 10 circular road in the state capital.
Following the directions from the party, all 75 MLAs, MLCs, and MPs were present at Rabri Devi’s residence on Monday night to welcome the couple. The family intends to hold the reception, which could also present a ‘Shakti Pradarshan (power demonstration) of the party, said sources.
“We have invited limited people during the marriage, but the reception will be big. We will disclose the venue in a few days and will invite people of Bihar to come to the venue and give blessings to us,” Tejashwi said.
Sources have said that Tejashwi Yadav is aiming to organise a reception in Patna’s historic Gandhi Maidan.
Last time Lalu Prasad family had organised a grand party was for the reception of elder son, Tej Pratap Yadav. The function was held in the premises of the veterinary college where due to huge and unmanageable rush, the stage had collapsed.
Tejashwi Yadav, without taking the name of Sadhu Yadav, said that some people tried to create confusion by showing the photo of a girl with me.
“The photograph shown in the media and my wife are two different persons. Some people tried to create confusion in the public. I don’t want to comment on it. People of Bihar knew what his motive was. He is an elder person and I respect him in the past and future also,” Tejashwi said.
Tejashwi also clarified that his wife’s name in Rechal Godhinho but now my father has given her new name Rajshree Yadav. For people of Bihar, it is easy to pronounce Rajshree Yadav.
“The photograph presented before the media was taken during an IPL match when I was playing the game,” He said.
The photograph in question went viral on December 10, a day after the secret wedding of Tejashwi.