The West Bengal Information Commission has finally decided to hear the State Public Information Officer (SPIO), Minority Affairs and Madrasah Education, and the SPIO, Darjeeling District Inspector of Schools (Secondary), the appellate authority, the school education department and an appellant on the issue of fee hike. Notably, the appellant, Sandipan Bhattacharya from Siliguri, had sought clarification on the issue of fee hike in schools when the Left Front government was in power.
The SPIO of both the departments and even the appellate authority, the school education department in Kolkata, had so far failed to reply, despite several reminders, even after the Trinamul Congress came to power in the state. Mr Bhattacharya had finally appealed to the Commission for justice based on the Right to Information Act (RTI).
Significantly, in response to his appeal, the commission has fixed a hearing on the matter on Wednesday, though the appeal date was 25 May 2012. The Law Officer and Joint Registrar, West Bengal Information Commission, had asked the SPIO to submit a written statement, giving the status of action taken on the RTI application of the appellant to the Commission by 11 January 2018. The hearing is scheduled to be conducted at 11 am on 17 January in the Conference Hall (I), West Bengal Information Commission, at Khadya Bhaban on Mirza
Galib Street in Kolkata.