School students and teachers of around 300 Eco Clubs of schools across Himachal Pradesh would be trained by State Council for Science Technology and Environment (SCSTE) to manage natural resources in better way.
The SCSTE in technical collaboration with Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi under the Green School Programme is starting such training from tribal district of Lahaul Spiti.
Around 60 participants from 20 Eco clubs of the tribal district would participate in the training. Kunal Satyarthi, Joint Member Secretary, SCSTE said the State Council has started School Environmental Audit Scheme in an effort to build-up environment consciousness in the young minds especially Eco club members.
“The scheme on environmental auditing introduces an innovative methodology for assessing the performance of school community as a manager of resources. The Eco Clubs would be made aware about the significance and relevance of eco-friendly practices,” he said, adding the exercise would help students in developing a holistic perspective and suggests practical, do-able mitigation measures.
Under the scheme, the students and teachers would be trained on five thematic areas as water, energy, air, land and waste. The students and teachers would be asked to audit the resources of each thematic area and the findings of the exercise help the school management to manage the resources efficiently. “This exercise is being carried out by eco clubs on half yearly basis and results are useful for trend analysis of the resources by the schools,” he said.
Satyarthi added that the Council will organise similar trainings in all the districts of the state to train the eco-club members and develop temperament to manage natural resources in better way.
The SCSTE Shimla has established 250 Eco clubs in each district, around 3,000 Eco clubs in schools and 93 clubs in government colleges across the state.