Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel’s Deputy Secretary Saumya Chaurasia, an officer of 2008 batch of State Administrative Service, has moved an application in the Special PMLA Court of Additional Sessions Judge Ajay Singh Rajput, seeking ban on media coverage of the ongoing PMLA case against her and others. She is in the custody of ED for more than a week now.
Saumya has said that the Enforcement Directorate was selectively leaking crucial information to certain media houses in a case which is sub-judice and the investigation into it is still on.
She has demanded that the ED should be restrained from sharing information pertaining to the ongoing investigation being conducted by them against her and others to any media house, Chaurasia said that it may prejudicially affect her case and may sully her reputation.
The Raipur Police had a media blockade mock-drill days before Saumya moved an application in the court. Cops continued to block journalist Sunil Namdev from reporting the event when Saumya was produced before the court on Tuesday and Saturday.