In a major twist to the ongoing battle for leadership over the ruling AIADMK party, the Chennai police on Wednesday has booked party's general secretary VK Sasikala and its new legislative party leader Edappadi Palanisamy on charges of detaining party MLAs at a resort near Chennai.
The Koovathur police, in whose limits the Golden Bay resort is located, had registered an FIR based on the complaint of MLA Saravanan, who is currently part of Chief Minister O Panneerselvam's camp.
Saravanan had on Monday claimed that he had managed to escape from the resort after disguising himself.
Nearly 95 MLAs of the Sasikala camp have been staying at Golden Bay resort since Wednesday, a day after Panneerselvam revolted against the party's leadership.
Panneerselvam and his supporters had said that the MLAs were being held in the resort under threat by Sasikala's supporters.