The National Scheduled Caste Alliance (NSCA) said on Saturday that the Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) delegation led by its president Sukhbir Singh Badal (in photo) did not take up issues of Scheduled Caste (SC) community during a recent meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
NSCA president Paramjit Singh Kainth said the meeting was held to discuss various state related issues like crop support prices, exemption of Goods and Service Tax on Langar (community kitchen), loan relief for farmers. “It is unfortunate that not even a single issue was discussed with PM that was related to SCs”, he claimed.
Kainth said most of the schemes relating to the improvement in the social, economic, political condition of the SCs are governed by the Centre.
“The Central government provides impetus to schemes like post-matric scholarship, Scheduled Castes Sub Plan (SCSP), Stand-up India. While all these schemes have been brought to improve the condition of the SC community, these rarely have been implemented properly by various state governments”, he said.