The Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) on Wednesday asked Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader HS Phoolka to explain why his party had supported the Congress’ Presidential candidate Meira Kumar under his stewardship in Punjab, even though he stepped down from the post of leader of Opposition on the premise of fighting cases of Congress excesses committed in 1984 in Delhi.
Stating this on Wednesday, SAD leader Virsa Singh Valtoha asked Phoolka to clearly state on which side of the fence he was. “If you are with the genocide victims of 1984, there is no way you could support the candidature of former Speaker Meria Kumar for the post of President?". He further said, "Meira Kumar represents the same Congress, which attacked the Golden Temple with tanks and mortar shells. She represents the same party which planned and executed a mass genocide against Sikhs in Delhi and other parts of the country in the aftermath of the assassination of Indira Gandhi," he said.
He said this proved that there was more to the issue than what met the eye. “It is clear that you (HS Phoolka) have resigned as leader of opposition due to ulterior motives. It is clear that you want to shift back to Delhi and restart your thriving law practice. You are only using the 1984 genocide cases as an excuse to achieve this end,” he added.