Rashtriya Lok Dal vice-president Jayant Chaudhary (in photo) has launched a new campaign ‘selfie with gaddha (pothole)’ on social media to challenge the claims of UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath of making over 1 lakh km of roads across the state free of potholes.
The campaign was launched on Thursday by Chaudhary in Lucknow. People have been urged to click a selfie wherever they find a pothole and send it to #selfiewith Gaddha which is operated by RLD leaders who would than forward it to the concerned authorities and the CM’s Office.
Calling it successful so far, RLD spokesperson Sunil Rohta said people are joining this one of a kind campaign. Many selfies have been received so far from students, farmers, professionals and party workers, claimed Rohta . These selfies would be forwarded to the CM and other concerned departments.
Speaking on phone about this campaign, Jayant Chaudhary said “social media is now being used to raise the issues of the people with their participation”.
He said they were helping the government know the truth behind their claims of pothole-free roads in the state.
The condition of roads in the state is terrible while the government closes its eyes to genuine issues, said Chaudhary, adding that 987 people died in road accidents in UP last year and the government has not increased the budget for improving the condition of roads.