Delhi BJP leader Virendra Sachdeva on Tuesday said that Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi should apologise over his Hindu remark in the House.
In his maiden speech as the Leader of Opposition in the House, Gandhi on Monday said that the BJP did not represent the true spirit of Hinduism as it “talked of violence and tried to create fear among the people.”
Rahul said: “The BJP does not represent the whole Hindu society, RSS too cannot claim to represent all Hindus.”
Addressing a press conference along with party MP Manoj Tiwari, the Delhi BJP chief said: “Despite being launched in politics three times, Rahul Gandhi only speaks lies. His yesterday’s speech was full of despair and baseless. It’s surprising that instead of discussing the President’s address, he kept lying.”
“Rahul Gandhi left the Wayanad seat for Priyanka Gandhi to contest, and probably, he insulted Hindus to appease the voters there. I challenged him to use the same language for another religion as he did for the Hindu community. His language reflects his upbringing because no Indian can insult Hindus,” he said.
Echoing similar sentiments, Tiwari said, “Since 2004, Rahul Gandhi has been insulting Hindus and parliamentary traditions.”
He accused Gandhi of playing a dangerous game to create unrest in various parts of the country and cause damage to the nation.
“Presenting incorrect facts in the House and then interrupting is also disrespectful to the House. Rahul Gandhi presented false facts in the House, whether about Agniveer, farmers, or compensation in Ayodhya,” the MP said.