To put a check on mushrooming of unauthorised colonies and constructions in the state, department of Housing and Urban Development has developed an app named PUDA-UCIC (Unauthorized Constructions Illegal Colonies). The app was launched on Thursday by department’s Additional Chief Secretary, Vini Mahajan. The app is available on Play Store (Android) and will shortly be available on App Store (IOS).
Vini Mahajan said the initiative of the department to monitor the illegal constructions is first of its kind. The officers of the department in various development authorities will install the app in their mobile phones.
“On noticing any unauthorised construction in their area, the field staff will click the pictures of the same from the location and in turn will upload these through the app”, she said.
She further added the concerned officer will then upload his remarks in the app and the information will be immediately sent to the District Town Planner and the Chief Administrator concerned in the shape of e-mail. Following this, immediate action would be initiated by the regulatory wing to stop the illegal construction. The app would act as a major boon for the department to curb the unauthorised constructions creeping across the state, she said.