

President Kovind returns to Delhi after 4-day HP sojourn

Kovind was accorded a warm send off at Annadale helipad in Shimla after his four day sojourn to the state.

President Kovind returns to Delhi after 4-day HP sojourn

The President of India Ram Nath Kovind on Sunday returned to Delhi after completing the 4-day sojourn of Himachal Pradesh to participate in gold jubilee celebrations of the statehood of the state.

Kovind was accorded a warm send off at Annadale helipad in Shimla after his four day sojourn to the state.


HP Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar, CM Jai Ram Thakur, assembly Speaker Vipin Singh Parmar, state parliamentary affairs minister Suresh Bhardwaj,


Army Commander Lt General ARTRAC Raj Shukla, chief secretary Ram Subhag Singh were present amongst others.

The President of India was also presented a photo album comprising a collection of photographs during the visit by the Chief Minister.
