Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Friday said the police won't go after "imaginary" accused persons in the kidnapping of the Malayalam actress.
"The police will not go after imaginary accused persons," Vijayan told a public meeting.
At the same time, he urged the Malayalam film industry to keep out the underworld from taking a grip on the industry.
Police on Thursday arrested the prime accused, Pulsar Sunil, and an accomplice, six days after the incident.
The actress was abducted on February 17 while travelling from Thrissur to Kochi by road in her car.
She was dumped near the house of director-turned-actor Lal, who upon hearing her harrowing experience, informed the police.
Since the incident, the online media has been flush with reports linking a leading star, a young director and sons of a ruling party politician with the crime.