To combat drug addiction, the Delhi Police, in coordination with Palam 360 Khap, started an awareness campaign in Isapur village under the ‘Nasha Mukt Bharat’ (Drug-Free India) initiative.
The campaign aims to create a drug-free Delhi through street plays and other awareness activities.
Speaking on the campaign on Friday, Ankit Singh, deputy commissioner of Police Dwarka district said, although the formal campaign against drug-free India concluded yesterday, on the request of Khap leader Surender Solanki, they extended it to today.
The officer further added that given the large turnout of villagers at the event, we are sure that the campaign will be successful.
Surrender Solanki, Palam 360 Khap leader, thanked the Delhi Police for positive campaigning toward drug-free Delhi and stated, “The younger generation is being ruined by drug addiction, drug addiction is like a termite that is hollowing out the future of the youths”.
The Khap leader further emphasised the increasing tendency among youth to purchase drugs and weapons and they need to be steered in a positive direction.
The Delhi Police on Sunday last organised a march on Kartavya Path to raise awareness about drug addiction which saw participation from Delhiites, from across generations.
The fortnight-long awareness campaign was part of the larger Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan Pakhwara from June 12 to June 26.
The Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan (NMBA) was launched for 272 districts in 32 States/UTs which have been identified as the most vulnerable to drug use in the country. These vulnerable districts were identified based on the findings of a comprehensive national survey and inputs provided by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB).